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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Turkish Language in Rishikesh(India)

Are you seeking to advance your yoga practice further and obtain your teaching certification? Look no further than the 300-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This comprehensive course is specially designed by experienced Turkish Teacher who have a deep understanding of both Eastern and Western practices.

One of the unique features of this training is the inclusion of translation assistance throughout the entire session. This means that language barriers will not hinder your learning experience.Our dedicated Turkish Teacher will ensure that you understand every aspect of the course.

Rishikesh, known as the "Yoga Capital of the World," provides an ideal setting for this transformative journey. Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, this spiritual heaven offers a serene environment for self-reflection and growth. Immerse yourself in ancient yogic traditions while surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty.

Throughout this 300-hour training, you will delve into various aspects of yoga, including asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology. Our experienced instructors will guide you through each step with expertise and compassion.

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Upon completion of this rigorous program, you will receive a globally recognized certification that enables you to teach yoga anywhere in the world. You will emerge not only as a skilled yoga practitioner but also as an empowered teacher ready to share your knowledge with others.

Join us on this life-changing journey as we combine traditional wisdom with modern teaching techniques. Experience personal growth, connect with like-minded individuals from around the world, and embark on a path towards becoming an inspiring yoga teacher.

Gain with course

It’s not easy to define in words about what you gain with the master yoga; still, we are just mentioning few rewards, one can get with the 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course.

A strength to adapt more.

A master level knowledge & understanding of yoga.

A peace of mind.

A healthy Body.

A happy Soul.

A cheerful life.

A method, style, or manner to conduct a yoga class.

A rewarding gift of yoga.

A blissful yoga journey.


  • Accreditation—that allows you to teach anywhere in the world
  • Rishikesh Yoga Association is one the only school in India where course is conducted in Turkish and is also accredited by Yoga Alliance USA,
  • Teachers who have been willing to share information to assist students
  • All teachers are experienced and are master in their subject.
  • During the entire course translator will be with you and help you to understand all the yoga class topics.

300 Hour Advance Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus

  • On your feet Yogasanas
  • Seated Vinyasa Sequences
  • Seated posterior stretch sequences
  • On one leg yogasanas
  • The supine sequence
  • The bow pose sequence
  • The triangle pose sequence
  • The inverted posture sequence
  • Meditative pose sequence
  • Viseha Vinyasa karma
  • Surya Namaskar A
  • Surya Namaskar B
  • Full Primary Series:
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D Parsvottanasana
  • Eka Pada Padangusthasana A B C & D
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana A & B
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana A B C & D
  • Purvattanasana
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
  • Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana A B & C
  • Marichyasana A B C & D
  • Navasana
  • Bhujapidasana
  • Kurmasana
  • Supta Kurmasana
  • Garbha Pindasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Baddha Konasana A & B
  • Konasana
  • Upavishta Konasana
  • Supta Konasana
  • Supta Padangusthasana A & B
  • Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
  • Setu Bandhasana
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Urdhva Pindasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Sirsasana
  • Urdhva Dandasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Yogmudra
  • Utpluthih
  • Savasana
  • Pashasana
  • Krounchasana
  • Shalabhasana A, B
  • Bhekasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Parsvadhanurasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Laghu Vajrasana
  • Kapotasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Bakasana
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Ardha Matsyendraasana
  • Ekapada Sirsasana A, B, C
  • Dwipada Sirsasana B
  • Yoga nidrasana
  • Tittibhasana A, B, C
  • Pincha Mayurasana
  • Karandavasana
  • Mayurasana
  • Nakrasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Parighasana
  • Gomukhasana A, B, C
  • Supta Urdhvapada Vajrasana A, B
  • Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
  • Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Paschimattanasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Pindasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Uttana Padasana
  • Shirshasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Yoga Mudra
  • Padmasana
  • Uth Pluthi (Tolasana)
  • Shavasana
  • Introduction of Paranayama
  • The pranic body-
  • Natural Breathing
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Yogic breathing
  • Nadi shodhana & Its variations
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Bhastika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda Pranayama
  • Chandra bhedana pranayama
  • Agnisar kriya
  • Kumbhaka
  • Introduction to bandha
  • alandhara bandha
  • Moola bandha
  • Uddiyana bandha
  • Maha bandha
  • Introduction to Meditation
  • Why Meditation ?
  • Meditation and Brain waves Meditation and its effect on Stress Management
  • Obstacles in Meditation
  • Role of concentration in Meditation
  • Tips for developing concentration
  • Meditation on Body and Breath
  • Om / Mantra Meditation
  • Antat and Bahir
  • Trataka
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Tips for Silence Meditation Practice Japa Meditation
  • Ajapa japa
  • Antar mouna
  • Nada Meditation
  • The relaxation postures
  • Stillness
  • Basic Relaxation
  • Tension Relaxation
  • Full Body Relaxation
  • Introduction of Anatomy
  • Body movements
  • How does Hatha yoga work on our body
  • Muscle Activation
  • Imbalances in the body and how to observe them
  • Active Muscle stretching techniques
  • Passive Muscle stretching
  • Anatomy of shoulder joint complex
  • How to unlock the flexibility of shoulder
  • Anatomy of wheel pose
  • Nerve tensioning mudras
  • Anatomy of ankle joints ankle
  • How to enhance the ankle function
  • Co activation of ankle muscles
  • Introduction to Indian Philosophy
  • Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
  • Introduction to Yoga Sutra
  • Importance of discipline in path of yoga
  • Definition of yoga
  • Consistent practice and non-attachment (Abhayasa and Vairagya)
  • The concept of Ishwar (God) in Yoga Sutra
  • Obstacles and distractions on the path of yoga (concepts of citta-viksepa and antaraya)
  • Panchklesha ( 5 causes of suffering )
  • Ashtanga Yoga ( Eight limbs of Yoga )
  • Concept of Siddhi ( Supernatural Power )
  • Concept of Triguna
  • Introduction to Bhagavad Gita
  • Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya
  • Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
  • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara
  • Om sahana vavatu
  • Hare rama Hare Krishna
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra Yogena Cittasya
  • Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha
  • Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva
  • Introduction of Mudras
  • Jnana & Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Hridaya mudra
  • Khechari Mudra
  • Nasikagra mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Introduction to shatkarma
  • Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
  • Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
  • Agnisar Kriya
  • Nauli Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Cleansing
  • Introduction of Yoga Therapy
  • Physiology & therapeutic benefit of shatkarma
  • How to make Yogic therapy session
  • Homeostasis & pH effect on Health
  • Arthritis - osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Back pain - Explanation & Yogic approach
  • Endocrine system – importance of gland
  • POCD - polycystic ovary syndrome & Yogic Approach
  • Respiratory diseases – COPD & Yogic Approach
  • Menstrual cycle & Hormones
  • Kati vasti – Ayurveda Oil Therapy
  • Cupping Therapy
  • Ayurveda & Dincharya
  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions
  • Positive & conscious communication Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observation,
  • assisting,
  • correcting
  • Use of voice in class
  • Mental & emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning.
  • Written Test
  • Asana Practical Test
  • Attendance
  • Performance
  • Behaviour

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Turkish Daily Schedule

6:30 - 7:30 Am Pranayama
7:45 - 9:15 Am Hatha Yoga
9:15 - 10:00 Am Breakfast
10:15 - 11:15 Am Yoga Therapy
11:20 - 12:20 Pm Yoga Philosophy
12:30 - 1:30 Pm Asana Alignment
1:30 - 2:15 Pm Lunch
3:00 - 4:00 Pm Yoga Anatomy
4:15 - 5:45 Pm Ashtanga Vinyasa
6:30 - 7:30 Pm Meditation & Mantra Chanting
7:30 - 8:15 Pm Dinner
10:00 Pm Lights Off
1 March 2025 28 March 2025 $2000

Inclusion / Exclusion in Course Fees



Note: All classes are mandatory for students.In case of an illnesses or emergencies student can take leave with due permission from the concerned teacher. Leaves without reasons won’t be accepted and this will severely effect the monthly performance of the student.